Jimin Birthday Party with Tondo Kids by Jimin United PH

October 13, 2023

A heartfelt thank you to Jimin United PH!

We’d like to extend our deepest gratitude to the incredible team at Jimin United PH for their unwavering support and dedication. As we celebrate Jimin’s birthday, they’ve harnessed the power of ARMYs’ love and generosity to raise funds that will make a real difference.

With their hard work and geneorsity, they are able to contribute to our Scholarship Program. This means more young minds will have the opportunity to shine, learn, and make their dreams come true.

Your efforts, love, and passion truly embody the best of the ARMY spirit! Happy birthday, Jimin! And thank you, Jimin United PH!

To sponsor scholars, email us at [email protected] or sign up at https://www.projectpearls.org/programs/scholarships/

Change a life. Change yours.

Project PEARLS is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with the State of California with a Federal Tax Id: 27-2624202.

Project PEARLS is a non-stock, non-profit and non-partisan organization registered under the laws of the Republic of the Philippines with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on June 6, 2011 with Company Registration Number: CN201109816 and Company Tax Identification Number: 008-060-835-000