Brain Booster: Dream Catcher

January 14, 2022

“There is hope in dreams, imagination, and in the courage of those who wish to make those dreams a reality.”- J.S. It is believed that dream catchers are intended to protect children from nightmares and let positive dreams come through. For last weekend’s Brain Booster, our scholars made these colorful dream catchers hoping that they will catch their greatest dreams and protect them from having nightmares. Project PEARLS aspires that all of our scholars’ dreams will come true. Bring joy to hundreds of children.

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Project PEARLS is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with the State of California with a Federal Tax Id: 27-2624202.

Project PEARLS is a non-stock, non-profit and non-partisan organization registered under the laws of the Republic of the Philippines with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on June 6, 2011 with Company Registration Number: CN201109816 and Company Tax Identification Number: 008-060-835-000