Project Pearls After School Program
March 5, 2017, Sunday
Helping Land, Tondo, Manila, Philippines
“It is with children that we have the best chance of studying the development of logical knowledge, physical knowledge, and so forth.”
~Jean Plaget
Manuals or hand-outs per grade level were distributed to our volunteer-teachers for today’s After School Program Activity. These served as their reference for the day’s Math lessons.
One of our volunteers shared her first time experience at Helping Land to us:
“All effort, from going to the site, to getting their attention and make them listen to you, is all worth it. To see them happy and know that they learn from you is a fulfillment. This is just a small action but I know it makes a difference in their lives and I am happy that despite their condition, there will be a better future waiting for them.
Thank you Project Pearls for allowing me to be one of your volunteers so that I can give back to the community.”
~Kris Ciare Gener, Project Pearls volunteer
Thank you KC for sharing some time and a little learnings for our PEARLS Scholars. We do hope that you really had a fun time despite the thought that Math is really a hard lesson for your students. And also thank you for choosing to spend your special day with the kids! Happy birthday!
Lastly, thank you so much, Team ASP and to all our volunteers for this day!
Another Sunday morning was filled with new learnings and love for these hopeful kids. Someday and somehow all we ever wished was for them to finish their studies, step out of poverty and have a better life.