Celebrating WRAD (World Read Aloud Day) at Helping Land

Project Pearls Saturday Outreach

Helping Land, Tondo, Manila, Philippines

February 18, 2017



“Every child has the right to read.”


We in Project Pearls will always believe in that. Each one of us deserves to read and to have a proper education that can help us in having a better life and brighter future.

In line with the global celebration of World Read Aloud Day of LitWorld, one of our greatest partners, we had some important guests from the Philippine National Library to educationally entertain our PEARLS kids.



This special event was led by Ms. Melanie Abad Ramirez together with her team from the National Library.

They facilitated a story-telling and a puppets presentation that showcased some moral lessons that our kids can take away with them for this day.

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Even Melai the mascot also visited the kids of Helping Land!


Thank you so much, Ms. Melanie and to your whole team for emphasizing the importance of reading books to our kids.

The kids had so much fun for this day! Their smiles can testify it.



Today and everyday let us raise more awareness that the right to read belong to everyone.



We would also like to thank Zara and Glen Gomez for sponsoring today’s feeding.


And thanks for the unconditional love and hard work volunteers!





Project PEARLS is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with the State of California with a Federal Tax Id: 27-2624202.

Project PEARLS is a non-stock, non-profit and non-partisan organization registered under the laws of the Republic of the Philippines with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on June 6, 2011 with Company Registration Number: CN201109816 and Company Tax Identification Number: 008-060-835-000