Project Pearls After School Program
January 29, 2017
Helping Land, Tondo, Manila
“This is only a reminder that we should always feel blessed and grateful of the people extending their simple acts of kindness to those who need it the most.”
–Volunteer-teacher Kerbianca Beech
Another Sunday morning was filled with learning and fun as our PEARLS scholars learned something new again this day.
It was still Math time for our kids. We know that Mathematics is really a hard subject and many of our students are struggling in this. That’s why we wanted to help them in improving their knowledge and standing in school with regards to this subject. We’ve decided to focus on their weaknesses so someday, this could be their strengths.
Our volunteer-teacher Kerby Beech for more than a year shared her experience to us for this Sunday morning at ASP.
“Teaching minds, touching hearts, transforming lives. These are the goals we always try to achieve every Sunday on the After School Program. But unlike any other Sundays, we did not only covered lessons in school, the Pearls kids also welcomed Isabella, our food sponsor for this day, as she celebrated her birthday at Helping Land. This is only a reminder that we should always feel blessed and grateful of the people extending their simple acts of kindness to those who need it the most.”
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us and time and love for the kids, Teacher Kerby!
Thank you also to Grau Family for sponsoring today’s feeding and for choosing to spend Isabella’s special day with the PEARLS kids. May our God will bless your family more! And happy birthday, Isabella. Truly, you are so blessed for having a great family and for being a blessing to many kids as well.
And lastly but definitely will never be the least, thank you, volunteer-teachers a.k.a. Team ASP!