“You meet thousands of people and then you meet one person and your whole life is changed, forever.”
Meet Princess Sarah who changed my whole life, forever.
She’s five years old and big sister to her brothers, Rogelio and Francisco.
Both of their parents are working at the charcoal factory and their daily income of less than $4 barely keeps the children alive. Hygiene, shelter and clothing are not their priorities but ensuring their children do not die from starvation is.
Princess Sarah is the first child I looked for during my last visit to Ulingan. I asked her if she wants to go to school and her whole face lit up as she gasped in excitement.
She is now regularly attending our learning center as a nursery student. She never attended school; never had any school supplies but she is very determined to learn to write, read, sing, and to count.
“What do you want to be when you grow up?” I asked.
She just pointed at me…